Monday, 24 April 2017

Colour Palette

Made with Padlet


Top 10 Sci-Fi Films

Made with Padlet

About Me

Hello, my name is Annalise Russell and I am the owner of the AR Media Blog. My blog was initially  created to display the journey through the production of my AS Media Opening Sequence, and to give people an insight into the research and production process that lies behind every blockbuster film. I believe that I am an imaginative person and that this is reflected through my chosen genre (a science thriller); it helps to display an element of my creative characteristics to my audience.

Sunday, 23 April 2017

Target Audience (2)

Opening Scene Title

Sci-Fi Mood Board

Existing Sci-Fi Products Comparison


A comparison of existing sci-fi products with the first draft of my opening sequence.


In order to develop our production we decided to combine the thriller genre with the sci-fi genre. By doing this we will be able to construct a creative opening sequence and introduce more innovative ideas.

Storyboard: Explained
